
Featured In Or Consulted By These Media Outlets

As Dating Coaches, We Empower You To Finally Meet And Attract Someone You Really Want, In San Antonio, TX Or Wherever You Are
Men: Start With The Mountain Top Podcast
Ladies: Start With The X & Y On The Fly Podcast
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Get The Happy Relationship You Deserve

Talk To Women And Attract Them

Putting us to work for you as your dating coaches puts you in front of the kind of women you really want to date FAST. Overcome negative experiences in the past. Reclaim your masculine power and get the breakthrough you deserve. Your first 25-minutes are free, and you can schedule at your convenience.

Real Talk For Real Men

Masculine Men Attract Feminine Women

No complaining, no negativity, no victimhood. Only confidence and empowerment. Find out why successful entrepreneurs, distinguished professionals, academic luminaries, high-profile celebrities and even Navy SEALs work with dating coach Scot McKay to get real results with women and relationships. It all starts with your free call with Scot.

Whether You Are In San Antonio, Austin, Elsewhere In Texas Or Anywhere In The World, You Can Put Professional, Personal Dating Coaches Scot And Emily McKay To Work For You

What Your Dad Never Taught You About Girls

Do you have everything going for you but the right woman? Is it as if you can attract every woman except the ones you really want? You don’t have to settle. Get Scot and Emily on your side as your personal dating coaches. Find out what a verifiable track record of excellence and over two decades of teaching and coaching experience can do for you.

Dating Diagnostics

Dating Diagnostics

Have you read all the books and watched all the videos but still aren’t getting anywhere? If enough is enough, then it’s time to team up with Scot McKay directly. You can be local to San Antonio, TX or anywhere in the world. Lots of men have unique sticking points that mainstream dating advice just can’t solve. Specialized service gets specialized results. Finally get the woman into your life you know you deserve.

The #1 Podcast For Men

The #1 Dating Podcast For Men

Since 2007 The Mountain Top from X & Y Communications has been the definitive podcast for men. Scot McKay and his expert guests talk women, dating, relationships, sex, and 21st century masculinity in a fast-paced, entertaining and often controversial style. Grab a listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts.

Join A Band Of Brothers On A Mission

Inspired by the ever-popular Mountain Top Podcast, The Mountain Top Summit is the fastest growing Facebook group for unapologetically masculine, evolved men of character who want to get better at dating and in their relationships with women.  Expect the right balance of serious topics and less so, all with a refreshingly positive tone in a social media world that often turns negative so quickly.

The Brand New Invincible Program From Scot McKay

Masculinity Is Meant To Be Virtuous

Forget what the media says. You are not “toxic” simply because you were born a man. No apologies. Discover and reclaim virtuous manhood and start attracting and dating equally virtuous feminine women who adore you. You can do it all from the convenience of your MP3 player, without breaking the bank.

Phone Consultation With Scot Or Emily McKay

Your Best Life: Meaning, Purpose, And A Great Woman By Your Side

Want to move your success with dating and relating to women–or even your career–forward, but don’t live near San Antonio, TX? Consult via phone or video and get your most frustrating sticking points handled. Urgent sessions are available on short notice. You’ll find Scot and Emily approachable and knowledgeable. Rise above frustration and emerge victorious.

Emily McKay: World-Class Dating Coach For Women

As dating coach extraordinaire to women all over the world, Emily’s no-nonsense insight focuses on what really works, and is trusted by thousands. Check out the groundbreaking My One & Only program for women and subscribe to Emily’s acclaimed Keys To Bliss dating advice newsletter. No more “kissing frogs” and wondering why men pull away.

RESULTS: Men all over the world are meeting and dating the right woman

Every photo in this video was contributed by friends of X & Y Communications. No actors or models.


Scot and Emily McKay

Scot and Emily McKay are professional dating and relationship coaches, authors and podcast hosts. Together they founded X & Y Communications in San Antonio, TX, which focuses on equipping and empowering men and women who want to go from good to great in their relationships.

They reach over 300,000 people all over the world through their newsletters, podcasts and social media. They are the authors of ten books between them, including four Amazon #1 bestsellers, and have been featured by over 400 media outlets worldwide.

Both Scot and Emily are Traveler’s Century Club members, having explored well over 100 countries together, often with their four children. Their travel blog and podcast can be found at