From The Desk Of: Scot McKay
Dear Friend:
I have some mission-critical questions for you. How you respond to them will impact your level of success with women for years to come, so consider your answers carefully:
In fact, allow me to confirm something you probably already suspect. The truth is that virtually every man has asked himself not just one but all of those questions above at some point in his life.
But here's the crazy part. Even though hitting each of those crucial questions head on is certain to have a dramatic effect on our success as men at every level, way too many of us automatically assume that "no answer" is a good answer.
So we conveniently do nothing.
We sleepwalk through life as if what's holding us back simply doesn't exist.
If you're like me, you can relate 100% to what I'm saying. And if so, consider what you are about to read the ultimate wake up call. I invite you to take ten short minutes to discover how you can finally become exactly the kind of man you were born to be.
I'm about to share with you a "behind the scenes" look into what you can do right now to pull the plug on years of faulty programming--unwiring toxic mindsets that have kept you from claiming your birthright as a man who attracts high-quality women like butterflies to a flame.
Sound like it's going to be too much to wrap your head around?
Don't worry. It isn't. In fact, most guys automatically assume the truth is too complicated to grasp...when it's really quite simple. Sadly, they shrug their shoulders and never even try to find the answers.
But I'm confident you're different. You can handle it.
So here's where the story starts. Let's face it, we all feel like we ought to "be ourselves", because that's what women always seem to say we should be, right? Besides, being "fake" doesn't cut it no matter who you're socializing with.
But the problem is there's hardly anyone or anything out there that represents a good model for what a real man looks like anymore.
So we as men are collectively taking a hard look at what it means to be real in the face of a more "feminized" modern world...even though this isn't really a road we chose for ourselves, is it?
We've been told we must redefine manhood (and therefore who we are) for ourselves in today's modern culture.
Except that when the previous model was apparently "thrown out", we weren't exactly left with a plan for what to replace it with, were we?
Somehow we're not all that excited about discovering "new masculinity" after all. Maybe that's because this really, truly isn't a battle we ever really decided to fight. It was imposed upon us.
So what if the reality is this? ...Perhaps--just perhaps--there was never anything really "wrong" with being a man in the first place.
As a direct result of the confusion, however, many of us as men are left scrambling to find authentic heroes--real men who as role models can stand in the face of very real challenges to masculinity and light the path.
We know we want intelligent and self-confident examples, but we don't know where to find them.
So here's the shocking solution to this enigmatic search: The secret to being a real man is already within you.
You may have already suspected that was the truth. There's no way we were going to accept "feminization" quietly...were we?
After all, two neuter creatures cannot sexually attract each other.
We still experience that unmistakable jolt of energy when a feminine being who is 100% woman enters our presence. Nothing has changed since the beginning of time.
And here it is: Nothing ever really changed for women either.
As far as attraction goes, it's pure "old school" masculinity that's going to drive a feminine woman wild and keep you out of the infamous "just be friends zone"...every single time.
Sure, we as human beings are more alike than different. Man or woman, we all want to be appreciated and respected. But...we do have to realize that women are indeed different nonetheless. They are attracted to men.
And that means that over half the population of Earth says it's not just okay but that it's preferred that you be a man, and act like one.
It's a moral imperative that we stand up and fight what is neutering us. And guess what? The women are practically begging us to do exactly that. They do not want a "woman with a penis".
Simply put, women want their men back. They want you.
You were born to attract women. And it's time to take back your birthright!
BE YOURSELF...FOR REAL -- Forget clueless mainstream dating advice telling you status quo is enough. Get under the hood and be your best authentic self now.
ASCEND TO GREATNESS...AND REAP THE REWARDS -- Stop trifling with women who don't deserve you and "raise the bar" to where it should be.
BE THE MAN WOMEN CRAVE -- Cut through the myth and the hype and represent yourself as the real man women cannot live without.
UNRAVEL THE MYSTERY OF CHARISMATIC CHARM -- Find out the objective difference between men who women think about constantly vs. those who are almost immediately forgotten.
BECOME THE COOLEST GUY ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS KNOW -- Unlock the most elusive trait of all...make women want to be with you and other guys want to be like you.
APPROACH WOMEN, EXPECT POSITIVE RESULTS -- Put aside the "guesswork" forever...once and for all, go straight to the source and find out exactly how women want to be approached.
GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER -- Discover how to outfit your lifestyle for maximum results with high-quality women...starting today.
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In fact, what you could really use is a messenger who is willing to deliver the truth. Someone who can encourage you to unwire years of bad programming, assure you that what we're talking about here is 100% within your reach, and give you that all-important boost necessary to empower you to make a comeback on behalf of great men everywhere. My name is Scot McKay, and I'm going to lay it on the line for you. I think your vision is too small when it comes to success with women. I'm asking you to dream big. I'm talking about embarking upon a journey which culminates in your wildest dreams becoming vivid reality--in living color--right before your very eyes.
And why shouldn't they? Why shouldn't you attract the kind of high quality women you want the most? Well, as a man your deepest desires have been well within your grasp all's just that a clear path to getting where you want to be seems more elusive now than at any time in human history. Now, at this point I have to tell you: It isn't going to be like flipping a light switch. Getting better with women is a learned skill. But that said, it's one you're extremely likely to have no problem mastering. Why? Well, because you were born a natural simply by being born male, it's all about rewiring your skillset with women so you can take back what's rightfully yours. Don't Think You're A "Natural"? Here's The Good News:
PORTRAY MASCULINITY -- Define masculinity by your very presence...and ignite femininity to the delight of women everywhere.
EXUDE CONFIDENCE -- objective, step-by-step toolkit on how to truly become confident rather than just talking about it.
INSPIRE SAFETY AND SECURITY -- Make a woman feel genuinely safe when she's with you...and open up a whole new world of magical rapport with her.
EXEMPLIFY CHARACTER -- By far the most overlooked secret to success with high-quality women is actually the most valuable. Set yourself light years apart from the masses.
The "secret handshake" of guys who are wildly successful at anything in life is that they boldly asked for what they needed and overcame the obstacles.
The guys who "don't need anyone's help" end up being faces in the crowd...frustrated, yet helpless.
Meanwhile, even the greatest players in any sport like Leonel Messi or LeBron James have a coach...even when they are at the pinnacle of their game.
Knowledge is power. And implementing that power leads to success that is head and shoulders above that of any man who is content to be a mere bystander.
But unfortunately, "just be yourself" is the default "dating advice" that most guys can relate to...even if "being oneself" isn't working.
Now it's time for you to become the maximized, ultimate version of your real self who is empowered to attract. Release the man within who women already want!
It all starts with what I call the "Big Four". You're a masculine man. You're confident. You have the ability to inspire confidence in a woman to the point where she feels completely at ease--even joyful and playful--in your presence. And above all, you're a man of character.
It's that fourth piece that is at the same time the most crucial and most ignored component of true manhood.
You see, long before there was a Seduction Community, there were men who succeeded with women and those who didn't. At that time, there was no such thing as talk about "inner game", "outer game", "natural game", "routines" or "techniques".
There was only success with women, and lack thereof.
And those men who were successful were the ones who recognized their innate ability to attract women and did something about it.
Even if you're born with a natural ability, you still have to cultivate it.
When it comes right down to it, the only "skills" we're all born with are the basic ability to cry, sleep, and suck.
Well it's time for men everywhere to stop clinging to all three of those and take the diapers off.
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But somehow in today's culture that's all been confused.
Now it's time for a crash course in what has been rightfully yours all along. That's exactly what The Master Plan is all about. So take a quick look's exactly what you can expect to receive:
In addition to those basics, every little girl is born to be feminine. And you? You were born to be masculine.
That's over FOURTEEN FULL HOURS of nonstop, fluff-free content.
It's all about grooming you for greatness when it comes to being the high-quality man you were born to be, and attracting high-quality women as a direct result. You would expect nothing less than that from The Master Plan.
And were I to equip you with the arsenal of practical knowledge you've just been introduced to, that alone would position you as a powerful masculine presence in a woman's world like she's probably never experienced before.
But I'm really just getting warmed up.
Take a look at these additional Special Bonus Programs, which I've included specifically to fine-tune your entire persona as a man and take you to the next level...without ever looking back:
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Once and for all, in 21st century terms, it's time to get out from under the constraints of what relates to simple "pickup" and "seduction".
Finally, in black and white, it has all been thrown out on the table. Here every single concrete reality is exposed. The end result is an objective, hard-line insight into exactly what attracts great women and keeps them attracted.
And here it is: When you peel back the complexity you may have been conditioned to believe is unavoidable, it's all very simple.
As a man who was born to attract women, only you can stand in the way of that being your reality. Only you can keep it from happening.
And only you can decide--right now--that you categorically refuse to be one of the 95% of other guys out there who will fail to ever seek the right path to fixing the problem.
In fact, once you become one of the enlightened few, you'll likely learn to take great pride in your newfound confidence as you represent what high quality women truly desire in a great man...and as an evolved, refined version of your true, authentic self you'll have every right to feel that way.
If you've read this far, my educated guess is that you already know that The Master Plan is exactly what you've been looking for.
Now listen up...I want you to be able to get your hands on this groundbreaking program as quickly and as easily as modern technology possibly allows.
That's why The Master Plan is presented to you in standard MP3 audio and Adobe PDF format.
This means that you'll be able to download The Master Plan today from the state-of-the-art Member's Area...without being forced to wait for shipping.
Listen on your iPod and read along if you so choose. Every core program comes with a transcript that doubles as a study guide.
OVER SIXTEEN HOURS OF NON-STOP CONTENT -- Everything you need to become your authentic, most attractive self. All killer--no filler.
COMPLETE TRANSCRIPTS OF ALL CORE PROGRAMS -- You'll receive a comprehensive written record of each core audio program that doubles as a study guide. Take notes or just read along. The choice is yours.
SAME DAY SERVICE -- You'll be able to download directly from the Member's Area. No shipping, no waiting. Best of all, your content is always available to you on demand 24/7/365 from anywhere in the world.
NO MORE SCRATCHED UP CDs -- No discs to fall between the seats in your car to get lost and/or ruined. No botched or broken CDs, no defective products, nothing misplaced, nothing borrowed or stolen, no regrets. Download early and often, directly to your iPod. Even burn your own CDs quickly and easily if you must.
ALL FUTURE UPDATES ARE YOURS -- This is no "one and done" deal. Flexible media means you'll get surprise updates as they happen. I'll even notify you when they're available.
NO HIDDEN COSTS -- Pay one time, get unlimited access to the Member's Area. No surprises, no games.
By now, you may be asking yourself who in the world doesn't need The Master Plan?
Well, if you just want to "get laid", and don't necessarily need "high quality" women in your life, then this isn't for you. After all, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of "pretty faces" who are ready to fall for pickup artist tactics. And the low road is always easier to doubt about it.
Similarly, I guess if you are uninterested in developing character--and are therefore willing to roll the dice with the type of poisonous women you attract as a direct result--then The Master Plan isn't for you either.
But Face it. When you get right down to it, women are real human beings. And the greatest ones aren't fooled. They aren't going to buy into what a PUA is selling.
And think about it...would you really have it any other way? Can you really respect a woman who falls for "tactics" and "openers" hook, line and sinker?
Allow me to introduce you to Emily McKay. That's right, Emily McKay.
After dating well over 100 women--the vast majority of whom for as long as I wanted to--it was this particular woman who walked into my life and rocked my world. I knew what I wanted in a woman, had a 100-point scale by which to objectively measure it all, and Emily's the one who scored 100.
Not only did I break up with a woman who scored a 99 in favor of Emily, she came at the exact time in my life when I knew I had met enough women and was ready to build a real history with one particularly great one. You know, I was ready for some real depth.
Plus, hey...I wanted to be a dad at least one more time...preferably without paying child support and seeing my kid only on weekends.
Most people consider Emily quite a hottie. In fact, the photo you see above is an excerpt from the calendar she's featured in. When we go out on the town, heads turn.
And whether she happens to be your type or not isn't really the issue. You're talking to a guy who always had a crush on Mary Lou Retton in high school and thinks that Audrey Hepburn was amazing. So I'm sure you can see how I would find Emily to be the most beautiful creature ever created.
But here's the thing. She's as sweet, intelligent and fun to be around as she is beautiful. She is a woman of tremendous virtue who I can trust with my life. Plus, she is all woman through and through and respects both my leadership and my ambition as a man.
As my #1 cheerleader she's not only my encourager, she's my business partner. That's right, she and I are a team--"on the clock" and off.
To top it all off, she's also the mother of my son, Scot Jr. these days.
Now, all of that said, what if I hadn't been ready to meet her? What if I hadn't yet learned what it took to attract a high quality woman?
Fortunately, I didn't have to worry about any of that--at least not by the time I had met Emily. And that's exactly why I created The Master Plan. You shouldn't ever have to worry about it again either.
You were born to be the man a great woman is dreaming of. Take back your birthright!
But there's a deeper--and darker--question to ask yourself. What will happen if you push aside this golden opportunity to become the ultimate, maximized version of the man you were born to be?
Will you always be left to wonder why the women you truly wanted continued to elude you?
Will you ever get out of the dreaded "Just Be Friends Zone"?
The hard truth is that most men remain complacent, settle for mediocrity in the form of women they never really chose, and spend their entire lives fantasizing about "what might have been".
Why does this happen? Because most guys in this day and age demand a "quick fix". The "average man" is content to settle for a "paint by numbers" approach.
But the problem with that is that no matter how much "hand holding" a guy receives, there's always a dead end. There's always that infamous place where he's forced to ask, "What next?"
Meanwhile, the most amazing woman you've ever met could walk into your life at any time. Will you be man enough to represent exactly who she's looking for? Or will she just keep on walking--all because you weren't ready for her when she came along?
It's All About Having Complete Control Over Your Dating Life And Having The Women You Truly Want A Part Of It.
Might you simply "get lucky"? Sure, but how will you feel the moment you realize she settled for you?
By now you know my passion in life is to take you from good to great in your relationships with women. My vision for you is infinitely greater than anything close to "settling". In fact, my vision for you may even be greater than the one you have for yourself right now.
And if so, that's probably not your fault. Each and every one of us has been subject to a modern, media-driven culture that has marginalized our manhood and infused us with useless guilt over our masculinity.
That's why The Master Plan is about being instead of doing. It's about a permanent shift in how you view women. It's about a permanent shift in how you create attraction.
So what could be more crucial at this very moment than to enact The Master Plan for reclaiming your birthright as a man? The time to move is now.
Still not convinced yet? If that's somehow the case, here's just a partial sampling of even more valuable secrets--all of which you can begin applying in your real-world interactions with women immediately, and all of which covered in detail within The Master Plan:
How to QUARTERBACK YOUR DATING LIFE exactly as you see fit...WITHOUT COMPROMISING any other aspect of your world. [Program One]
One of the MOST MISUNDERSTOOD principles taught by pickup artists...and how you are probably SABOTAGING relationships with PERFECTLY TERRIFIC WOMEN without even realizing it. [Program One]
Most guys FAIL TO PLAN, and therefore should PLAN TO FAIL...Separate yourself from the herd with true "field vision" regarding the direction of your dating life. [Program One]
The ONE WORD a woman will use that universally signals she's likely to FLAKE OUT on you. [Program One]
How to beat a "LOSING STREAK" into submission...change your mindset and fast-track your success with women STARTING TODAY. [Program Two]
Why focusing on a single LIFE PURPOSE and sticking to it is probably a MISTAKE over the long term...benefit from this DISARMINGLY SIMPLE truth that most guys are too short-sighted to recognize. [Program Two]
FINALLY REVEALED: Why most men haven't the SLIGHTEST CLUE what real masculinity represents anymore...unwire years of BAD PROGRAMMING and succeed where almost every other guy is still IN THE DARK. [Program Three]
The DANGEROUS MINDSET that guys lull themselves to sleep with...turning months of failure with women into YEARS or even DECADES of frustration, all needlessly. [Program Three]
Why your efforts to be masculine may actually be having the EXACT OPPOSITE effect on high quality women from what you want...make simple tweaks to your understanding of how women think and GET INSTANT RESULTS. [Program Three] OBJECTIVE and HIGHLY ATTAINABLE definition of character. Become this man and women will trust you with THEIR LIVES. [Program Four]
Exactly how to make sure the greatest woman you've ever met never, ever LEAVES YOU or CHEATS on you...know this secret and save yourself a WORLD OF TROUBLE later. [Program Four]
The two most CRITICAL FACETS of character that are NEVER taught by PUAs...but which are like CATNIP to high quality women. [Program Four]
How to UNCHAIN YOURSELF from the media's PATHETIC representation of manhood...and SHOCK YOURSELF with the PURE ENERGY of women's POWERFULLY ALTERED response to you. [Program Four]
What is the most POWERFUL COMPLIMENT a woman can give you? Recognize it when you hear it, and instantly realize when an authentic connection has ALREADY HAPPENED. [Program Five]
What certain men do that grants ex-girlfriends and women who have rejected them SUPERPOWERS in their lives...and how to make sure YOU'RE NOT letting that happen. [Program Five]
Discover what "THE GOLDEN RULE IN REVERSE" is, and never let yourself get "pwned" by a woman EVER AGAIN. [Program Five]
The disarmingly simple way to WIN ANY ARGUMENT...while avoiding any and all hostility in the process. [Program Five]
How to tell if you are doing EVERYTHING RIGHT or getting it ALL WRONG with a woman...REGARDLESS of what she tells you. [Program Five]
Discover amazing secrets about how your BODY CHEMISTRY actually affects your confidence. [Program Six]
What MUST BE AVOIDED in order to make you a confident man...ignore this INCREDIBLE TRUTH at your own risk. [Program Six]
Why saying "I don't care what other people think" actually betrays a LACK of self-confidence. [Program Six]
The ultimate LEARNED SKILL for propelling your confidence to DIZZYING HEIGHTS. [Program Six]
Find out the MISSION CRITICAL but rarely considered third hallmark of coolness, ABOVE AND BEYOND admiration and respect. [Program Seven]
The two most MISUNDERSTOOD cornerstones of coolness. The uninitiated consider them to be synonymous...yet fail to cultivate each separately and potentially spend a LIFETIME wondering what went wrong. [Program Seven]
The exact WORD FOR WORD phrase that the coolest guys use to secure dates with the very SHARPEST WOMEN quickly and with devastating effectiveness. [Program Seven]
The INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT and GIGANTIC social group that most guys COMPLETELY OVERLOOK, yet which MUST be handled with skill in order to be cool. (Hint: It's NOT women) [Program Seven]
Finally, the REAL REASONS why some guys ALWAYS seem to win...while others seem to ALWAYS lose. [Program Eight]
Why some people REMAIN STRONG and positive even after tremendous PERSONAL CHALLENGES...even as others FOLD UP in the face of even relatively minor setbacks. [Program Eight]
Why some guys can have ALL THE MONEY in the world and think they have it made...yet women AVOID THEM like the plague. [Program Eight]
The STARTLING REASON why you can be a person of great talent and virtue, end up in a MISERABLE RELATIONSHIP...and truly DESERVE exactly what you've gotten. This secret alone could save you YEARS OF TORMENT. [Program Eight]
Why musicians CAPTURE WOMEN'S ATTENTION so effectively...and how you can EVEN THE SCORE, even if you don't think you have any musical talent. [Program Nine]
How simply paying CLOSER ATTENTION to the world around you can DRAMATICALLY INCREASE your ability to AMAZE women. [Program Nine]
The simple skill women crave that is SO BASIC yet SO RARE among this one thing even occasionally and women will not be able to get enough of you. [Program Nine]
The difference between INTROVERSION and SHYNESS...and why you MUST UNDERSTAND what separates the two. [Program Ten]
How to get over "analysis paralysis" once and for all...never second guess yourself ever again. [Program Ten]
The exact reason why some of the NERDIEST GUYS on Earth end up in the HAPPIEST long term relationships with their DREAM WOMEN. [Program Ten]
Why neither "Mr. Nice Guy" NOR "Idiot/Jerks" end up with high quality the FORGOTTEN but very REAL ALTERNATIVE and get results. [Program Ten]
How to quickly identify NEGATIVE, POISONOUS WOMEN...and rid them from your life FOREVER. [Program Eleven]
Why some of the COOLEST WOMEN on Earth go dateless...and why you're about to CHANGE THAT for them. [Program Eleven]
The REMARKABLY POTENT secret to knowing when a woman is NERVOUS or SKITTISH...and how to do what it takes to make her INSTANTLY MORE COMFORTABLE with you on the spot. [Program Eleven]
Almost CLAIRVOYANT ways to tell if a woman is LYING TO YOU or not. [Program Twelve]
How to identify PHYSIOLOGICAL CUES from women that are utterly INFALLIBLE signs of exactly what is on her mind. [Program Twelve]
Disastrous ways most men telegraph COMPLETE WEAKNESS to women...without ever SAYING A WORD. [Program Twelve]
The amazing things you can learn about a woman simply by HUGGING HER. [Program Twelve]
Incredibly subtle ways that women form LASTING IMPRESSIONS about you...all based on what your HOME OR APARTMENT is like. GOOD NEWS: You can have full control over this factor NOW! [Program Thirteen]
The first three things EVERY MAN should do when a woman arrives at his home...get this wrong and you're in for a LONG EVENING. [Program Thirteen]
The secret EVERY MAN who invites women over to his place MUST REMEMBER when ordering CABLE OR SATELLITE TV...and it's not what you think. [Program Thirteen]
Why you can have a nice car and STILL TURN WOMEN OFF with it...meanwhile, learn the ridiculously simple secrets of guys who drive unimpressive cars only to have women LOVE THEM for it. [Program Thirteen]
The SHOCKING THING that ALMOST EVERY WOMAN does when she's at your house...prepare ahead of time or prepare to be DERAILED. [Program Thirteen]
Exactly what to do when OTHER MEN who DISRESPECT YOU...even if they AGGRESSIVELY PURSUE the woman you're with before your very eyes. [Program Fourteen]
How particularly sharp and socially-skilled women can quickly and effortlessly TURN PUA TACTICS AROUND and use them AGAINST YOU...don't ever be left slackjawed and speechless EVER AGAIN. [Program Fourteen]
Discover why stuff like getting women drunk and "building compliance" are FOR SISSIES...from now on, fill your life with WILLING WOMEN instead of COMPLIANT WOMEN. [Program Fourteen]
The "last resort" tactic that many guys use in hopes of salvaging power in DIRE SITUATIONS...but which actually SEALS THEIR DOOM. [Program Fourteen]
The "ANTI-BOOTCAMP": discover the one place NO MAN SHOULD EVER GO...unless he wants FORMAL TRAINING in how to GIVE HIS POWER AWAY. [Program Fourteen]
How to deal with OTHER MEN who DISRESPECT YOU...even if they AGGRESSIVELY PURSUE the woman you're with before your very eyes. [Program Fourteen]
How to reframe your INITIAL CONVERSATIONS with women so that you are in FULL CONTROL of the interaction...without ANY FEAR OF REJECTION. [Special Bonus 1]
How to meet a woman who is TALKING ON THE PHONE...or even walking the OPPOSITE DIRECTION on a busy street. [Special Bonus 1]
How to compliment a woman in a way that actually RAISES YOUR VALUE in her eyes. [Special Bonus 1]
Women's "secret thoughts" about how they want to be "SWEPT AWAY" by a great man...this is PURE GOLD for the FEW MEN who will ever fully understand. [Special Bonus 1]
Exactly how to handle a woman's "LAST MINUTE RESISTANCE" in a way that highlights your CHARACTER and VALUE as a REAL MAN. [Special Bonus 2]
Are you acting in a way that tells women you are to be "SETTLED FOR"? Make one SIMPLE ADJUSTMENT to your presence with women and stop this DESTRUCTIVE POWER dead in its tracks. [Special Bonus 2]
How to compel a woman to "LET GO" in your presence...increasing your satisfaction AND HERS in the relationship EXPONENTIALLY. [Special Bonus 2]
The ONE WORD that separates REAL MASCULINITY from FALSE MANLINESS. [Special Bonus 3]
What's even MORE POWERFUL than the fear of rejection? Identify this "silent killer" and RID YOUR LIFE OF IT once and for all. [Special Bonus 3]
The CURE-ALL mindset for having nothing to say to a woman you just met. [Special Bonus 3]
Easy steps to turning the bartenders at your favorite hangouts into your CLOSEST ALLIES. [Special Bonus 4]
TWO SIMPLE WORDS to use with OTHER GUYS that OPEN DOORS to opportunities with amazing women. [Special Bonus 4]
How to UNWIRE dangerous habits and mindsets that keep drawing you to POISONOUS WOMEN...finally put an end to the turmoil FOREVER. [Special Bonus 4]
...and MUCH, MUCH more.
By now, I'm sure you are every bit as excited about the release of The Master Plan as I am.
So I want to make sure to cover all the important details for you...
Here's What You Get:
All fourteen full-length Core Audio Programs in MP3 format, along with full transcripts/study guides in PDF format
The four Special Bonus Programs in MP3 format
Each amazing Extra Value Bonus (which I'll tell you about in a bit)
Special limited-time Fast Action Bonuses (which I'll also explain more about below)
Full 24/7/365 access to the Member's Area
Complete, full access to all future additions to the program...forever
And here's what's probably the most amazing part, given the immense amount of value I've already packed into The Master Plan: I have personally reserved a copy for you at the special price of $500 $297...
That's what a single hour of one-on-one coaching time with me usually costs, yet I'm delivering over sixteen hours of pure, uninterrupted content...all squarely focused on positioning you for greatness...not just with women, but in every other aspect of your life as well.
What's more, you can buy with 100% confidence. We use highly-respected for secure, efficient order fulfillment. You always have total control over your account...including the payment and refund processes.
$97 $48.50 (50% off)
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Shortly after you order, I'll personally send you a welcome message in which I'll give you the keys to the Private Member's Area, where you'll have full and complete access to everything...without having to wait for shipping.
That way, you can get started putting The Master Plan into effect today.
And you'll continue to have access 24 hours a day, seven days a week--whenever is convenient for you. You can access the Member's Area from anywhere in the world. All you need is an Internet connection.
And as new updates are released, you'll have full and immediate access to those also. I'll even send you an e-mail as soon as they come along.
You've no doubt already realized that inviting the wrong woman into your life could cost you way, way more than this program will.
Nonetheless, I'm going to share with you every secret that I've got...without holding back even a single bit.
In fact, I have been all but obsessed about engineering The Master Plan to be the only program for men ever produced that focuses on attracting high quality women at the unprecedented level it does.
That way there are no disappointments...only the full expectation that both you and your dating life will experience the magnificent transformation you're looking for.
I stand behind that claim 100%, which is why every copy of The Master Plan comes with an ironclad...
That's not a misprint. You can take up to a full year to decide. If The Master Plan doesn't open up an incredible new dimension to your success with women...and in your life in general...I will personally issue you a full refund with no questions asked.
You really cannot lose. Even if you email me on the 366th day, I'll still refund your money if you aren't fully satisfied. In fact, you'll always have complete control over the refund process thanks to ...without games or hassles. That's how positive I am that you'll be wishing you had access to The Master Plan years ago.
The information you are about to discover in it is like none other, and you have no risk thanks to our 100% money-back guarantee. Basically, my steadfast goal is to make it incredibly easy for you to get your hands on it...because every man should be able to.
So with that in mind, I'm going so far as to offer an unprecedented Fourteen Extra Value Bonuses to you at no additional charge:
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #1--Natural Attraction Coaching Sessions
by Stephen Nash
It's easy to slap a "$97 value" on any bonus, just because it sounds nice to say so. But in this case, you can actually Google this one and find it for sale at that price.
To be honest, when I first told my good friend Stephen Nash of Cutting Edge Image Consulting about The Master Plan, I don't even remember having to ask him to provide a bonus. But I do remember him telling me he had one serious surprise in store for me. (Well, for you, actually...)
The next thing I knew, a link to his Natural Attraction Coaching Sessions landed in my inbox, simply signed "This ought to get their attention... Regards, Stephen". Well, considering this is the entire six-hour program that he just launched in January, my eyes pretty were the size of saucers. I mean, are you kidding me?
But here's the thing, there's a really good reason Stephen thought immediately to give this entire program to you. Seriously, it's the stone-cold perfect compliment to The Master Plan.
Count on getting every single shred of information this guy has on developing personal style, how to grow your social circle, how to build what he calls "critical life skills" and even how to get others to introduce you to high quality women. We're talking six full hours of content here that's completely original.
All this from a guy who lived at Project Hollywood, turned his focus on high quality women, and has now indeed found a great one himself. For more from Stephen, visit
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #2--Fireworks With Females
by Slade Shaw and Mirabelle Summers
Man, I'll tell's nice to have friends. And Slade Shaw, Mirabelle Summers and the rest of the gang down at 000Relationships in New Zealand are among the best a guy could ask for. As you might already know, we collaborate with them all the time.
Well, in this case it's you who is about to benefit directly from that "strategic partnership" of ours. And that "benefit" is coming your way in the form of the full version of Slade and Mirabelle's epic e-book Fireworks With Females.
Let me be clear here. This is not some "preview version" made to tease you with. No way. They're forking over the whole book, in all of it's 210-page glory. As if that wasn't enough, just for good measure you're about to get access to the entire Member's Area, which features a mountain of even more bonuses.
So what can you expect from the book itself? Well, once again I have to say what you'll find couldn't be more in line with the core principles found in The Master Plan. Slade and Mirabelle show you how to enjoy massive success with the kinds of women most men think are impossible to get--the women who are not only PHYSICALLY beautiful, but whose exterior beauty is literally OUTSHONE by the depth, warmth, and beauty of their personality, charm, and femininity. In other words, yes...the kind of women who "have it all".
Sounds great, doesn't it? I've read it...and it is great. You can find this book for sale right now at $37 all over the place, but the whole package is all yours as an exclusive bonus thanks to Slade and Mirabelle. For more, visit
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #3--The End Of Game (As You Know It)
by Rion Williams
Rion Williams has set himself apart as a world expert on understanding a woman's female sexual nature. He has long since recaptured his own birthright as a man who attracts women, and has established a proven track record of meeting and dating beautiful women all over the world. As such, his book The End Of Game (As You Know It) is yet another perfect compliment to The Master Plan.
In this e-book, Rion explains in detail why you don't have to have "game" in order to attract women, you need only have the knowledge and mindset necessary to demonstrate your true masculine nature to her.
This book is a bona-fide $20 value by itself, but it's all yours thanks to Rion. For more, visit
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #4--Turbo Masculinityby Carlos Xuma
I called up my friend Carlos Xuma and laid it on the line. I had thrown down the gauntlet for his latest program by sending him a bonus for his guys that was absolutely off the hook. And I told Carlos I knew that he was absolutely capable of delivering a bonus to you that was of exceptionally high quality in it's own right.
Well, let's just say Carlos delivered...big time. In this full-length MP3 audio program called Turbo Masculinity you'll discover the three "hidden qualities" you must have in a woman to create a lasting and enduring relationship. Plus you'll get Carlos' quick and easy exercise to tap into your inner power and masculine energy. [CAUTION: This one simple exercise has the power to redefine your life and your direction in just a matter of minutes!]'ll discover five essential masculine traits that define a man's confidence, how guys destroy their sense of manhood by giving away their personal power, and specific methods to obliterate these to enable your "Alpha Man" Lifestyle.
When you tap into these hidden sources of power, it will be pretty much like releasing the parking brake on your life.
Carlos told me he believed this program to be particularly "inspired" work. All that's left for you to do is grab a listen and decide for yourself. Find out more about Carlos at
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #5--P.U.M.A. Quick Start Guideby Brad Jackson
Meet my new friend Brad Jackson. Now Brad is a magician who also happens to have some serious skills with women.
By now you know that I'm not one to depend on "tricks" and "techniques" in order to attract women. And the thing is, Brad would agree.
In his book P.U.M.A. Quick Start Guide, you can expect to find a way to layer a brand new "superpower" onto your finely-tuned masculine persona. You see, what Brad teaches is how to use magic as a simple tool to make women smile just a little more, enjoy themselves in your presence just a little more fully, and remember you just a little bit longer.
And the way I see it, that's what having "superpowers" is all about in the context of The Master Plan.
More on Brad can be found at
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #6--"Sexual Confidence" (from Sexual Mastery)by Alex Allman
Alex Allman has become the "go-to guy" here at X & Y Communications for all things related to sexual mastery.
In fact, Alex actually has an entire system called exactly that: Sexual Mastery. So you can imagine how stoked I was when he agreed to give you a complete program from it as a very special bonus.
While most of the Sexual Mastery system is devoted to HER body and HER pleasure, the second audio in the series (which Alex is handing over to you) is devoted entirely to YOU and how to transform yourself into the kind of powerful, comfortably masculine, sexually confident man that she dreams about.
That, of course, makes this special bonus the perfect compliment to The Master Plan in just about every way.
Listen in as Alex talks about how to cheat-proof your relationship, get her to fantasize about you, become dramatically more sexually attractive to all women, and--of course--release sexual anxiety once and for all. And that's really just the beginning...there's much, much more packed into this mega-value bonus. More info from Alex can be found at
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #7--Unbreakable
by The Social Man
Christian Hudson is always on the cutting edge of dating science. As a co-founder of Charisma Arts and a pioneer of live-video training with Master The Vibe, he has demonstrated his visionary mindset time and again.
So when I asked him to provide a killer bonus to you as part of The Master Plan, I definitely expected high quality stuff since Christian and I have been friends and collaborators for some time now. But little did I know what was actually up his sleeve...
Now you see, when I talked to Christian I was fully aware that he and Nick Sparks have been hard at work producing a comprehensive video program called Unbreakable. It's on maximizing your attractiveness to women through a combination of social dynamics and personal style.
Essentially, it encompasses much of what guys pay thousands to have Christian and Nick teach them live over the course of a weekend. So we're talking about some seriously sought-after strategy here.
Seriously, Christian was taking a little longer than expected to send me what he had promised was going to be something extra special for you. And now am I ever glad I didn't rush him or anything...because all I can say to what he has generously contributed here is "wow!".
You see, when I hit play on this video, the first thing I saw was Christian offering a personal welcome to you as an elite member of The Master Plan. That way, you can be sure this is an exclusive bonus you'll find nowhere else. And what followed was (are you sitting down for this?) a full hour and twenty minutes of video lifted directly from the new program...uncut.
I mean, Unbreakable hasn't even been officially released yet. Didn't I mention before that it's nice to have friends? Get more on Unbreakable at
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #8--The Recon Profile Special Reportby Dave M.
If you've ever done online dating at all, you need to meet my friend Dave M. In fact, you probably know him already. He's the guy who famously met almost 400 women online in four years, and has been teaching guys how to get similar results since.
So when he sent this particular bonus on over for me to take a look at, you know I was all over it. I mean, leave it to Dave M. to come up with an ingenious, totally original strategy for getting more women to respond to your e-mails.
As an online dating "veteran" myself, I've already known for for years that guys like you and me need all the knowledge we can get when it comes to succeeding with women online. And let's just say that what you're about to discover in this report is going to have that kind of huge impact on your online dating success.
In fact, you can consider this one more unfair advantage you're about to have over literally every other guy who is competing with you for the attention of the hottest women online. It doesn't matter whether you are on, PlentyOfFish, or even social networking sites like Facebook...what Dave M. is giving away here is powerful stuff.
So why be one of the 90% of all guys who become a statistic within 90 days of posting an online profile? Start meeting real women online and enjoy living the dream.
Find out more about Dave M. at
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #9--The Self-Improvement Treasure Vault
by Michael Lee
Tag a "freaking" on Michael Lee. As in, "Michael 'Freaking' Lee".
In addition to having what has to be the most comprehensive program out there on the art of persuasion (, he has set himself apart as the guy who knows how to bring more self-improvement resources together in one place than any man I've ever met.
From the very first time I got a load of Michael's utterly mind-numbing collection of bonuses he treats his own customers to, I immediately caught the vision for doing the same.
There's only one problem. Michael's stash includes a ridiculous ninety bonuses, with a combined street value of a whopping $2355 (at last count). Knowing there was no way I was going to find the time, energy or the connections necessary to match that, I did the only logical thing. I used every bit of negotiation skill I have (perhaps ironically, learned from one of the very bonus items Michael is about to give you) to get him to offer his Self-Improvement Treasure Vault to you as part of The Master Plan.
So, let's hear it for not having to "reinvent the wheel". By the way, this is no joke. When you see the download area for this bonus, your jaw is going to hit the floor...and bounce. Seriously, going through the list of bonus items I saw at least two that I had personally offered before as stand-alone bonuses elsewhere. Let me tell you, that caught my attention.
I guess you could really think of this entire section as "shorthand" for what could easily have been ninety different bonuses...each of them impressive in their own right.
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #10--Built For Influence
by Brad Howard
Sure, it doesn't take model good looks or a chiseled physique to attract a great woman. That much is true. But time and again, women report that they definitely appreciate a man who maximizes his potential in every way, including physically.
And that's exactly where Brad Howard comes in. In his Adonis Effect program, he talks a lot about how getting into the kind of physical shape that is most attractive to women isn't nearly as hard as most men think it is.
As a spin-off from that very key principle, Brad is now handing over his brand new audio program on how exactly to fine-tune your physical presence so as to increase your personal influence. And we're talking not only about the influence you have on women, but the influence you have in the workplace and even within your circle of friends.
Discover the one deadly mistake most men make when constructing their bodies for optimum attractiveness to women. Find out why you should worry less about your weight or how much you can lift and focus instead on the one metric that is all that matters when it comes to influence.
Brad is even going to tell you the "dirty little secrets" about supplements that nobody else dares to tell you.
For more on the Adonis Effect, check out
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #11--How To Read A Woman
by Adam Gilad
Having formerly written under his pen name, Grant Adams, Adam Gilad is one of the most recognized online dating experts walking the planet.
Take into consideration that he's also an Emmy-nominated screenwriter who specializes in writing for women's entertainment networks (e.g. Lifetime), and you've just got to believe that Adam understands what makes women tick...or should I say purr.
Well, get ready to expand your horizons when it comes to what "getting women" really means. In this audio program you're about to discover practical ways to understand a woman's words, her actions and even guess what she's thinking...all in the name of being the kind of amazingly intuitive man she has been dreaming of.
What you can expect is a uniquely eye-opening experience that only the creative mind of Adam Gilad could deliver. And it's the perfect compliment to The Master Plan.
For more Adam Gilad, check out
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #12--Women Are Highly Sexual Creatures
by David Shade
You are about to experience a special live audio session from a previously unreleased David Shade seminar.
In this audio you'll discover different types of orgasms women have and foolproof techniques you can use to help her experience them. You'll also find out what you can do to satisfy her more fully in bed than any other guy she has been with. David even shares secrets to getting her excited simply by the sound of your voice.
Further into the program, David goes on to cover the key concepts of what it means for a man to be an alpha lover in the bedroom, how to lead a woman to become sexually responsive to you and how to lead her into mutually-shared wild erotic adventures.
Give a woman an orgasm over the phone...even if you've never met her in person. Discover the most sexually responsive part of a woman (and most guys have no clue what this is).
Know why not having sex on the first date is a good thing, and how your patience could possibly even help her overcome sticking points of her own. You'll even get a collection of fun erotic role-playing fantasies women love to act out.
Essentially, David unveils how to get her really hot and thinking about you all she'll go nuts when she finally gets you into the bedroom.
For more from David Shade, check out
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #13--How To Manage Your Wildly Successful Dating Life
by Scot McKay
OK, I thought long and hard about this. But despite the fact that this e-book sells like hotcakes at $27 in the X & Y Communications Store, I knew deep down that the right thing to do was to fork over a copy to you as a special bonus with The Master Plan.
I mean after all, once you master the art and science of being a "Big Four" man your life is going to change...big time. And although that change is going to be significantly for the better (considering you'll have a schedule jam-packed with high quality women), you're going to find you're faced with a whole new set of challenges.
That's right, having a wildly successful dating life means you're going to have to know how to balance all the key aspects of your life. You've just got to make sure your exciting social life works in concert with your career, your health and even your hobbies instead of completely ruling you.
And you can consider this book your secret weapon to getting things handled.
In addition, discover insanely advanced strategies taught nowhere else like how to give a woman the "Just Be Friends" talk and how to keep women from falling in love with you too fast.
The icing on the cake, of course, is the included tutorial on how exactly to build your own version of the world-famous "Spreadsheet", the "right brainer's" complete analysis tool for evaluating the women in your life and making effective relationship decisions.
EXTRA VALUE BONUS #14--Monthly Membership: Power Sessions For Men (Optional)Power Sessions For Men transcends mere tips, tricks and tactics and positions you to be a man who deserves the very highest echelon of women.
If you are among the majority of men who would rather have one amazing woman to build a life with than an endless string of one-night stands, this program is for you. Power Sessions For Men represents my absolute most advanced level of teaching, and is reserved for the elite among men who are committed to going from good to great.
Every month, I'll send you audios, videos and/or special reports breaking down specific components of what it takes to be a man who deserves the very best.
What's more, I'll answer your e-mails directly. That's right, e-mail coaching from me personally is included in the program.
Wherever you are today, reinvent yourself into a man who enjoys what few men ever will--the rush of knowing you are with the highest quality woman in the room wherever you go. Be a part of the "Deserving Community".
With your order of The Master Plan, you'll have the opportunity to join the elite Power Sessions For Men inner circle, and we won't bill you until the end of the first month. Subsequent monthly programs are $27 each. As you would expect, Power Sessions For Men comes with an unconditional 365-day guarantee and you can easily cancel at any time.
Let's face it, if you are truly passionate about reclaiming your birthright as an authentic, masculine man you probably can't wait to get your hands on The Master Plan.
And I happen to believe it's you--and all others like you who act fast--who have the very best chance not only to see massive results, but to see them happen at lightning speed.
So, with that in mind, I've re-activated the Three Fast Action Bonuses originally offered when The Master Plan launched back in May. These were quickly snapped up by the first guys to order, and haven't been seen since a day or two after the launch.
And now you've got another rare chance to get in on all the extra value. But you've got to move quickly. Seriously, quantities are limited, and as guys claim these they are going to start disappearing...quite possibly within hours from now!
FAST ACTION BONUS #1-- LIVE 1-On-1 Phone Consultation (Regularly $97)
IMPORTANT: Strictly Limited To The First Fifty Guys Only
Are you kidding me? This is a $97 value by itself... If you act extremely fast, I'm going to extend to you the golden opportunity to pick my brain for a full half-hour. And we're talking live, and person-to-person.
Just to clarify, this is not some group teleseminar. I realize you may have very unique questions and/or sticking points specific to your own experience. This 1-on-1 call with me is custom-designed to address what's on your mind.
This is the way to kick your results into overdrive. I know from tons of experience that's the case, which is exactly why I'm opening my schedule to you...all at no extra charge.
But make no mistake, I've got the same 24 hours in my day as anyone else, so I simply cannot keep this bonus online for long at all. In fact, since this bonus is very real and therefore involves very real time on the schedule, I'm sure you can easily understand why only the first fifty guys lucky enough to reserve their copy of The Master Plan will receive this extra-special bonus...after that, it'll disappear.
FAST ACTION BONUS #2-- The Chick Whisperer Podcast -- Rare Episodes From The Vault (Regularly $27)
IMPORTANT: Strictly Limited To The First 150 Guys Only
If you're a listener to The Chick Whisperer show, you know by now that the first nine episodes have long since been retired. And those shows are now pretty much made of unobtanium, unless of course you're willing to part with $27 at the X & Y Communications Store.
Well, it's time to blow the dust off of those early episodes. I'm doing exactly that and forking them all over to you when you pull the trigger on The Master Plan right now.
Believe me, there is some killer content in these first shows, so it's just not right to keep them to myself any longer. Just for good measure, I'll even send you the link to the secret download area where you can access every archived show quickly and easily from one convenient place. It just doesn't get any easier...
FAST ACTION BONUS #3-- Highway Game ($27 Value)
IMPORTANT: Strictly Limited To The First 250 Guys Only
Have you ever been driving along, minding your own business, only to glance over and see the hottest woman you've seen all week in the next lane?
Sure, I think all of us as guys can relate to that one. And all of us have puzzled over how exactly to meet her, also. The problem is that most of us usually give up...thinking it's all but impossible to meet women while driving. can toss that one on the pile with the rest of the useless limiting beliefs out there. In my book Highway Game, I'll give you step-by-step strategies for flirting with women and actually meeting them...all from the comfort of your own car.
Whether you are at a stop light or cruising the interstate, from now on you'll always know exactly what to do when you spy a hottie on the highway.
![]() |
![]() This and every X & Y Communications purchase is guaranteed for a full year. If you do not see results, we don't get paid. It's as simple as that. You even have full control over the entire process thanks to games.
$97 $48.50 (50% off)
Use Any Major Credit Card Or Paypal
Take A Full 90 Days To Pay With Easy Purchase
So Where Do You Stand When It Comes To Being The
Authentically Masculine Man Women Want?Are You Confident That You Are Ready To ATTRACT The Greatest Woman You've Ever Met When She Comes Along?
If your answer to either or both of these questions is "not even close", then you could be on your way to living a life of quiet desperation like "Mr. Average".
But if The Master Plan changes your life even in a small way when it comes to maximizing your potential as a man and attracting the kind of women you really want, how much is that worth to you?
For most, such a valuable transformation is worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox.
In fact, living the charmed life of the few elite guys who have truly become the ultimate, maximized man they were born to be is a priceless concept in the mind of just about everyone.
Yet, I guarantee success.
If you watch closely, there's an uprising brewing in today's culture...and it's being spearheaded by great women who are frustrated that men are so weak, feminized and "nice".
But are you really willing to let the women do all the heavy lifting on your behalf? It's time for you to take action.
The Master Plan is about reclaiming and maximizing your masculinity and thereby building confidence with high quality women more rapidly than you ever dreamed possible.
It's time to leverage that momentum to deliver safety and security to the women who will appreciate it the most--feminine, emotionally stable, beautiful women who are fed up with pretenders.
Finally capture the elusive essence of real character, and thereby perform what most guys view as the equivalent of roping the wind: Earn a great woman's eternal respect, admiration and...yes...her love.
You must accept no substitute for this...ever.
Without character, you have no foundation. And without a foundation, there is nothing about you worth following in the eyes of a great woman...let alone anything to inspire her on the inside and excite her on the outside.
And without masculinity there is no confidence. Without confidence there's no initial impression of safety and security upon a woman.
It's like this: Unless you are a "Big Four" man, you'll always turn up empty handed when it comes to great women sticking around for very long.
The Master Plan has been engineered to be the comprehensive program on building your rock solid "Big Four" foundation of 100% genuine manhood.
As such, its development was not taken lightly. An untold number of hours were spent creating The Master Plan, and it was only ready to place into your hands when I was confident every single angle had been carefully crafted to deliver nonstop, hard-hitting original content that will inspire you in a way no pickup artist training can.
And what's more, what I'm going to share with you will not only inspire'll inspire women. The right women, for a change...
The day has finally come, and the complete plan for reclaiming your birthright as a man who was born to attract women is here. I look forward to delivering The Master Plan to you today.
P.S. The Master Plan is designed for the man who will accept no substitute for being at his absolute best...and who is therefore interested in attacting only the highest quality women.
P.P.S. Remember, all the risk is on me thanks to my industry-leading 365-day money back guarantee. You can order with confidence...
P.P.P.S. Just because I'm in the mood, I'm also going to hand over yet another SECRET BONUS ($27 value)...which I'll tell you about on the order page...
Here's what men all over the world are saying about the tremendous difference X & Y Communications had made in their lives.Each testimonial is unsolicited and 100% genuine.
"Super Clear And Ultra Practical""I want to thank you for your super clear and ultra practical advice for men. It is really refreshing and down to earth. Thanks."
"I Relate Best To Your Perspective""To the who I now think is the coolest guy on the web, Mr. Scot McKay: Anyway I now have all the downloads and am very pleased. I am determined to find the woman that is right for me and the rest are just not going to do. I have many of David DeAngelo's products also, but I find I relate best to your perspective."
"I Couldn't Pass It Up""With all the bonuses you threw in - I couldn't pass it up! I listened to the program all the way through and really hammered the Confidence and Authenticity ones, as they really struck a chord with me."
"You Are A Great Role Model For Men""You are a great role model for much better than all of the others as you are a real person, a real man and not just a 'playa'. And I'm certain that you are a fantastic husband and father."
"The Concept Was A World Shifter For Me""The concept was a world shifter for me; it truly helped me become a man and continues to help me become a better man. On the topic of becoming a man, I awoke the other day to my girlfriend smirking at me to which I asked, ‘What are you smirkin’ at?’ And she said, ‘Oh, nothing...I'm just happy to have a real man in my life.’ I've never been one to seek validation, but that made my day to say |
"Thank You For Overdelivering""The Master Plan is amazing. Thank you for overdelivering."
"I Plan On Listening To Them Over And Over Again!""I have now almost listened to both Deserve What You Want and The Master Plan from beginning to end, and plan on listening to them over and over again! Your program on confidence was by far the best dissection of the topic that I have ever heard. Big thumbs up! I love the your teaching method. You seem to bring all the details back to the point of focus in a seamless manner. Keep doing what you do!"
"I'm Seeing 4 Wonderful Women""I just wanted to say thanks; 2 years ago I knew nothing and now I'm seeing 4 wonderful women and my life's only getting started. You're doing great things, and it's very much appreciated."
"We Are Now Engaged. She Is Amazing.""You have really been a great influence on my becoming a high quality guy who deserves a high quality lady. Thank you so much again. I have written you once before about her, but I have to tell you some fantastic news. We are now engaged. She is amazing. I would have never figured I would have someone who loves me so completely and honestly. Keep up the good work, my friend! There are many guys like me that need this type of information!"
"The Information You Offer Is Refreshing""I purchased The Master Plan program - the guys at AMP gave me |
"Good Stuff, Scot...Thanks!""Just wanted to let you know your advice has helped and it was really easy transitioning into a relationship. I knew I met a high quality woman who's very articulate and straightforward with me. So I used my own words of course but used the concept you explained as taking the girl and being decisive. I told her what I envisioned and offered her safety in coming along. So when I told her what I wanted...she had a big smile on her face and simply said ‘I concur’. Good stuff Scot...thanks!"
"It Was Exactly What I Was Looking For""I've always been looking for something to learn how to grow as a man. Unfortunately, looking into PUA material, it had an opposite effect. It didn't feel authentic; it didn't feel like ‘me’. The material you put out hit right at home. It was exactly what I was looking for."
"What A True Epiphany For Me!""All I can say is WOW...what a true epiphany for me! I needed this two years ago! I had thought all my feelings/thoughts about my terrible divorce were unique...I felt so alone...boy, was I wrong! It |
"This Has Paid Off""First like to say, really enjoying the products. I don't buy online without strict circumspection and this has paid off. I arrived at you and find that your perspective is closer to what I believe, or would like to believe."
"You Changed My View""Hey there, just wanted to tell you that you're doing a brilliant job and have changed my view on what a happy and successful relationship actually is."
"You Care About What You Are Saying""I like your stuff because unlike a few others I gave a shot there is no sleazy feeling. The other ones I listened to see women as prey and seek to trick them. I'm not looking for that at all. I'm aware enough that any guy can find that if he wants. You seem to have a genuine interest in fostering relationships that are beneficial to both parties. I'd just like to say thank you for that it is a breath of fresh air. It feels as if you care about what you are saying."
"I Have Found The One""I have found the one using your techniques. I really appreciate it. Thanks so much."
"You Seem Like A Genuine Guy""I just wanted to show my appreciation and thank you for taking the time to speak with me on the phone, and help examine my situation. You seem like a such a genuine guy, it's no wonder why women in general must love hanging out with you."
"Being Authentic Is The Way To Go""I subscribe to your products because I realize the PU community uses tactics more than it does inner strength and core confidence (the big 4). Being authentic is the way to go and I'm developing those skills around women. So I find a lot of value in your teaching. I'm on the right track. I feel good about my personal life. It's full, it's fun and filled with quality stuff. I've developed some really good female relationships in the last year. Thanks to some of your coaching."
"I Just Cannot Tell You How Impressed I Am""I've only been signed up for 3 days now, and I just cannot tell you how impressed I am with the quality content you are putting out. I've been downloading episodes like mad, and I'm burning up my iPod trying to take it all in."
"I Am Having Massive Success With Women These Days""I am so excited. I am having massive success with women these days. I am getting emails and phone numbers and going out on dates. I love your audio power sessions. You have a very positive vibe and talk about success with women and the enjoyment of it. Its a great positive influence for me when I listen to about an hour of it a day. Keep it up."
"Thanks So Much For All The Advice You Share With Us""First of all, thanks so much for all the advice you share with us. And how you personally answer every e-mail, even within hours, is the best. Thank you, Scot."
"Keep Up The Good Work""I just want to say keep up the good work. I like that your program & podcast don't really have that "sexual predator" feel (if that makes sense). You're not just telling us that women are objects and how to go out and get laid, your telling us things like the biggest key is to truly appreciate and respect a woman, etc."
"I Couldn't Be Happier""The whole concept of becoming a better man and deserve a great woman for my life has paid off and now I couldn't be happier. "
"What You're Doing Is A Godsend""What you're doing is like a Godsend to people like me. It's good to know what I've been doing wrong for so long, and the well-meaning but often wrong advice of friends and family never really gave |
"I Haven't Been Able To Stop Listening""I haven't been able to stop listening to all the content I've received already. The material has boosted my already positive/confident attitude."
"Absolutely Spot-On And Priceless""Thanks Scot. All of your info is absolutely spot-on, and
priceless. Not only did it help me find the woman I've dreamed of
being with, but it made me more of the man I wanted to be. You rock!"
"I Thought 'This Is The Man'""When I saw your material I thought THIS IS THE MAN. What you say is the kind
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