

IN THIS EDITION:   You probably know what your “type” is.  That’s all good.  But what “type” are you?  The answer to this question and how you deal with it is all-important when it comes to creating attraction.





I am launching it RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW:






You’ve asked, and I’ve listened.  My complete advanced program on online dating is now available by itself.  It includes 9+ hours of non-stop audio and features Grant Adams AND Dave M., among other special guests. 


But here’s the real story.  I’ve unleashed literally everything I’ve ever jam-packed into my cache of online dating strategy.  I’ve gone over the finished product with a fine-toothed comb and can’t come up with a single thing that I could possibly have left out.


Irresistible first emails, the like unto which got a guy like me a 60-80% response rate…check.   Boredom-bashing strategies for building a profile, which when I used them literally had women writing me first (many already inviting themselves over my house)...check.  How to work any online dating site’s software to your advantage…in there.  How to spot poisonous women and flat-out fakes like you’re the CIA?  Meanwhile, what EXACTLY to do in order to identify the absolute sharpest women only…and MEET THEM in record time.  All included.


And… most critically of all, I’ve got a COMPLETELY ORIGINAL plan for you.  That plan includes putting this notion of online dating being a “numbers game” to bed forever.  I’m going to unveil for you every minute detail of how to literally—and with STATISTICALLY CERTAINTY—meet your VERY TOP CHOICES in your “favorites” folder.  What’s more, I’m going to reveal to you unheard of steps to becoming the most successful man in your ENTIRE METRO AREA on the online dating site of your choice.  In my case it was San Antonio, TX and Match.com.  I met the vast majority of the women I selected, and am still with my very favorite of all.  


How does that sound? 


Are you a member of an online dating site right now?  Are you getting frustrated?  Is there no reason in your mind why a guy like you shouldn’t be reaping the rewards of massive success online?


If that sounds like you—at all—then Online Dating Domination is for you.  I’ve made it more affordable than two bad dates at $97, offered every minute of it as immediate downloads, and backed it by a NO-RISK guarantee.


If I can get this done in my life…here in San Antonio…then you can also. 


I believe.  Do you?


Stop wondering what it would be like to actually meet women on your “favorites” list and start ACTUALLY MEETING THEM.






Of course, Online Dating Domination is still one of SIX PARTS of the ever-expanding Virtuosity program.  If you are already a Virtuosity member, then everything I’ve just told you about is ALREADY WAITING FOR YOU in the Member’s Area. 


Not a member?  Have you finally heard enough and want it all?  Find out more at:  http://www.deservewhatyouwant.com/virtuosity


By the way, speaking of my “very favorite of all”, she is hard at work on her own version for the ladies.  I’ve looked over her shoulder and seen audio program titles like “How To Find Great Men In Average Profiles” and “The 30-Day Online Dating Plan”.  Wow.  I’m not sure who’s going to be happier, a LOT of women or A LOT of great guys .


Now on to this week’s newsletter…









Alright, first of all, I’ll come right out with it.  You already know I consider “just be yourself” to be perhaps the most dangerous and certainly the most generic bit of attraction advice I’ve ever heard. 


And with that bit of housekeeping behind us, I’m going to suggest that you instead avoid trying to be someone you are not.


At first glance, I’m sure that comes off as simply a semantic variation upon the same worn out “just be yourself” cliché.  Kind of like the “mirror image” of it or something.


And were it such, it would be a throwaway.  I agree.


Except there’s this issue that keeps nagging away at me.  As much as I want to change things, “stop trying to be someone you are not” is absolutely the most elegant possible utterance of an undeniable truth.  A truth that many of us willingly and defiantly ignore.


And that’s keeping us from greatness with the opposite gender.


So, in the interest of getting your attention, today I’m going to illustrate what this truism entails in a way you may have not heard before.  After all, it’s typical of dating advice clichés that they be delivered in a decidedly “hit and run” manner.  Elaboration in any shape or form is practically unheard of. 

Consider this example:


Person A:  “I just met someone great, but not my type at all.”

Person B:  “Well, you can’t choose who you fall in love with.”

Person A:  “What does that mean?”

Person B:  “You know…you can’t choose who you fall in love with.”

Person A:  “How do you know that?

Person B:  [changes subject to the Red Sox and/or Kobe Bryant]



Conveniently, “Person A” above has provided me with just the segue I need to stay on-task.


This whole business of what “type” we like.  We talk about that a lot, huh?  But have you ever stopped to consider what “type” YOU are? 


And here’s an even deeper question:  Are you YOUR OWN TYPE?  If you’ve ever found time to ruminate upon this subject, then you may have some idea of how you tend to be categorized by MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex).  And here’s the money question:  Are you okay with that?


See, it’s like this.  Most of us, unless we’ve signed an NBA contract and are penciled in for a future episode of MTV “Cribs”, probably have one car.  In order to get that car (or is it a truck?), you went shopping.  My guess is that you knew up front whether you were going after a four wheel drive SUV or a 2-seater sports car.  Yeah, maybe in real life it was a minivan or an econobox, but for the sake of decorum here lets stay on point here.


If you need an SUV, the 2-seater won’t cut it.  But if you want the wind in your hair and autocross trophies, a foot and a half of ground clearance and a tailgate is not the hot setup.


So if you are SUV hunting, you’ve got lots of options.  Most of us in that position would rather land a Hummer H2 in our garage than a Kia Sportage or a Jeep Compass (which I wouldn’t personally wish upon anyone). 


Sports car guy?  It’s the Porsche GT3 over that new Saturn lawn-mower wannabee.  (Does that thing even take real gasoline?)  But the Ferrari F50…yeah, well.  That’s what I call “never settling”.


Many options of varying degrees of quality—all easily categorized under their appropriate “type”.


I once saw a Hummer commercial that exhorted me to “Experience The H2”.  Poetically, all that is entailed with piloting a Ferrari was long ago coined “The Italian Experience”.


So which “Experience” are you?


Some great women are what I call the “Redhead Experience”.  Others are the “Exotic Experience”.  Still others the “Girl Next Door Experience”.  Some are the “Tomboy Experience”.  The list goes on.


Some guys are the “Clean Cut Jock Experience”.  Others are the “Artistic Poet Experience”.  Some are the “Executive Experience”.  Etcetera.


Where the rubber meets the road here there’s an ironic truth.  We can CHOOSE which type we LIKE when it comes to MOTOS.  If that’s related to sports cars, we can also then go out and DESERVE the F50 over the ’91 Mercury Capri (Ha…remember those?).


But when it comes to ourselves, let’s face it…there’s a “type” that we almost always fall naturally into.  That’s how others “experience” us as individuals. 


And we aren’t always our own “type”.  So we try to change the “experience”.  And that can backfire.


Emily happened to flip the channels a couple of months ago while cooking dinner.  From the other room, all I heard was “OMG…why is this kid wearing BLACK NAIL POLISH?”  That’s was pretty much my introduction to “The Pickup Artist” on VH-1.


Indeed.  The “kid” should have thought twice about the black nail polish.  Not his “experience”.  Then again, were I to try and dress up like Sean Connery’s James Bond later tonight, I’d probably more likely be assumed to be going as Alex Keaton from “Family Ties”. 


It’s all about the “experience”.


Ladies, tell the media to “stick it” and avoid the “Blonde Experience” or the “Supermodel Experience” if you are the “Brown Eyed Girl Next Door Experience”.  Trust us when we as guys tell you (or at least a solid percentage of guys tell you) that we’re fine with your “type”…even if YOU AREN’T.


Yeah, we may kick tires on SUVs, sports cars and maybe even a three-quarter ton pickup truck when the mood strikes us.  But ultimately, after all the test drives, we’re only going to be parking one such shiny object in our respective garages.


Who knows, we may have been somewhat drawn to the “Blonde Experience” or the “Supermodel Experience” at first.  But maybe her tank always seemed to be on “E”, or we read a consumer report that told us the electrical systems tended to fritz out. 


But I’ll tell you,  when we meet the “Brown Eyed Girl Next Door Experience” in her ultimate iteration, that could stop us dead in our tracks.  You know, she’s the one who DESERVES WHAT SHE WANTS.  At that point, all of us who are shopping on that lot will know we’re dealing with the Ferrarri F-40 of her type, instead of the Mercuri Capri with the Earl Scheib paint job. 


Meanwhile, I’ll be over here…at peace with the fact that I can’t fake “Cary Grant”, but that plenty of women (including “Brown Eyed Girl Next Door Experience”, F-40 such that she is over in the next room) are all about The “Alex Keaton Experience”.  So, I’m cool with that.  I stopped fighting what I can’t control years ago in favor of being the best damn version of my “type” possible instead of a poor man’s version of some other guy. 


Perhaps not coincidentally, I always loved how a four-door Audi RS4 (read: “station wagon”) can smoke a Corvette.  Whatever your “experience”, go with it instead of fighting it.  Then become the ultimate version of it.


Just somebody get my Mother-In-Law to stop pinching my cheeks, will you? 


Be Good,







TEN-PLUS DIRECT COACHING:  Demand for personal coaching has sharply increased of late, and there is going to be a rate increase as a result.  This is largely due to NEARLY HALF of those coming to me being DIRECT REFERRALS from other Ten-Plus beneficiaries.  If you are even remotely considering getting a plan for greatness with the opposite gender enacted in your life, NOW is the time to call me so I can get you in under the wire.  Take a look at http://www.dating-coaches.com and call me ASAP on +1-210-260-6400 or Skype “scotmckay” for the details.  Schedule at your convenience regardless of time zone.  Results are guaranteed.




POWER SESSIONS FOR WOMEN IS NOW KEYS TO BLISS:  OK, Power Sessions are for guys.  Keys To Bliss are for women.  Fair enough.  Get a sneak peak into Emily’s upcoming Online Dating program.  Great stuff.  Get a free month with your copy of Deserve What You Want http://www.dating-advise.us

or drop by





X & Y ON THE FLY ASKS: “WHO’S GOT IT HARDER?”:  We know you liked that episode about the “Battle Of The Flowers”, so now we hit another subject mano-a-mano with a big heavy hammer:  “Who’s Got It Harder When It Comes To Dating, Men Or Women?”  Prepare for surprises ahead.  Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes:   http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=162722277 

…or get it from the feed at


And thanks again to all of you for putting us on the very front page of iTunes’ “Health/Self-Help” section worldwide.




A NEW ONLINE DATING PROFILE RATING (#19):  Hit iTunes at http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=213484722

or the feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/onlinedating




THE CHICK WHISPERER #14:  Cameron Teone and I talk about “Pickup, Seduction…And THEN What?”  Listen to Cam reminisce about his days at Project Hollywood…and his days since.  Epic stuff.  You do not want to miss this episode, and you won’t as long as you hit iTunes at http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=218155493

or the feed at


Get to know Cameron by visiting


and get your hands on one of the most refreshingly different e-books out there.  And thanks again to all of YOU for your support in putting this podcast on the front page WORLDWIDE also, only this time in iTunes’ “Health/Alternative Health” section.  Incidentally, #15 is already recorded and ready for editing.




EMILY’S “KEYS TO BLISS” NEWSLETTER:   Many of you still sign up every single time I send out a newsletter, so I’ll keep telling you about it.  Drop a blank e-mail to emily@aweber.com .  No subject or text is necessary.  Joining will not affect your membership to this newsletter.   Incidentally, Emily is 8 months pregnant these days but cranking out newsletters, podcasts, monthly programs, online dating advanced series and other “keys to bliss” as well as she can…




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X & Y Communications is dedicated to making you the most skilled participant in the dating world you can be, at whatever stage of life you are in.  It’s all about straight talk about the most creative subjects, somehow encompassing moral principles while being neither too shy nor too judgmental to hit the important things head on.  The basic stuff you’ve heard a million times isn’t rehashed around here.  Enjoy!

Please also note that the information in this newsletter is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to constitute professional advice. 


ã X & Y Communications, 2005-2007.  All Rights Reserved.


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